About Megan and Ignite Joy


“Megan’s coaching has helped me put words to what I’ve really wanted all along… I’ve found the pieces I was missing in order to step into the life I’ve been craving for years.”


As women, we tend toward wanting to take care of everyone in our path. We over-commit at work while always feeling the need to prove ourselves. We care for our families, friends, and neighbors, often putting our own needs on hold while we make sure everyone else is ok. We’re the taskmasters, the go-getters, the care-takers, the cheerleaders, the planners, the organizers - you name it, we do it!

But at some point… We become overwhelmed. Exhausted. Burned out.

We can feel defined by the never ending to-do list and suddenly wake up wondering, “Is this it? Is this all there is?”


It doesn’t have to be this way. Life can absolutely be intentional, energized, and joy-filled!

I help women learn to manage their time and energy in order to focus more on what they love and who they love - without letting anyone down.


Over the last few years, I’ve had the honor of developing a proven program that helps women reconnect to what ignites their joy; increases their energy; and helps them create a more fulfilled life as they look to the future.  We find ways to manage their time so they can live more fully with joy and purpose every day.

As a mom, student, and business owner myself - I’ve been there. I’ve also made the choice to create a new path for my own life - a life focused on feeling good in my body, working towards my goals, and feeling connected to those around me… and now I get to empower other women to do the same. 

Yes, my life was stable, secure, content, and safe…  But, now?  My life is fulfilled, abundant with blessings, and I’m living fully into my purpose - and that’s what I want for you, too.

We have a choice every day in how we’re going to show up, how we’re going to share our lives, and how we’re going to make a difference in the world - if you’re at a point, where you’re ready to make a new choice, and you want the guidance to create the life you want - I’m your person.  Let’s chat and see how we can get you moving in the direction of your best life!

What People Are Saying…


Megan had an amazing way of making me feel comfortable and accepted where I was at and met me there each time.

— K.L.

I would recommend working with Megan to anyone looking to make positive changes in their life and needing that extra encouragement or accountability that sometimes can't be achieved on your own!

— T.W.


Meg's ability to give personalized attention to each person she meets and works with went above and beyond!

— L.K.

I made some surprising discoveries through this process and I can not thank Megan enough!

— P.G.

Certifications Earned:

Health Coach Certification
Life Coach Certification
Transformational Life Coach Certification
Transformational Life Coach Mastery Certification
(All from Health Coach Institute)

Recently featured on “The Hopefully Awkward” Podcast with Farrah Wiberg, chatting about setting yourself up for success and joy in 2023.

You are the only one that has the power to choose a life you love.